Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Rabbit Medicine

Rabbit Medicine

Today I asked a question of what message Rabbit brings me, since I saw a rabbit at dusk on the 22nd of January. I looked for information on Rabbit Medicine, and now I seek to understand how Rabbit Medicine is guiding me here and now.

THEME: Strength

This speaks of the gentle, loving strength of no-action, to understand the dynamics of the situation (which is likely our move to the Apple Orchard District).

GUIDE: Nine of Swords

Do not fear no-action. It does not help move a situation forward. Fretting only wastes energy unnecessarily, and does not add to how to use the time contructively (getting medic alert, for instance, and gathering other information needed).

MEDITATION: Four of Wands

This is also part of the dance of life. Contemplate the structure of things (use of energy for example) so there is balance between work and rest.

SHADOW CARD: Four of Swords

Rest is clarified for the Meditation. Use the cycle of no-action to build up reserves of energy. The body and mind need this kind of break. Seek the greatest way to rest for the work ahead.


  1. I might see if I can take a picture of the rabbit meaning, in the Druid Animal Oracle, for you. :) We're in a Rabbit year in the Chinese Zodiac. :)

  2. I find your 4 card spread very interesting but haven't found it anywhere. What exactly do the four positions stand for and what do they mean? Is there any more information on the spread?
